This is my proposal about how to make a mindset shift regarding health and making healthy choices a lifestyle. Our mindset determines if our health goals will be short-term or have actual longevity in our life. In order to make a lifestyle change, we must first not only see what needs to be done, but what caused us to make unhealthy choices to begin with.
Society tells women they should be skinny to be attractive or look a certain way. This mindset approaching health and fitness will draw confidence solely from appearance surface level attraction tank. Or the guy who feels he needs to have a six-pack or look a certain way gravitate towards the appearance surface level attraction tank likewise. My intentions is to teach you how to shift your mindset before you determine your "why" for doing it.
There are two tanks inside every person that we can draw from, one is the attraction tank, and the second is the connection tank. When you're approaching health and fitness pulling from the tank of attraction, it's all surface base looking at the appearance for confirmation it's working. Looking for pants or dress sizes to drop for confirmation it's working, looking for fat to drop and muscles to show, and this is the majority of people's mindset who draw fuel from the attraction tank. What I call you to do is pull from the second tank which is the connection tank.
The connection tank focuses on your mind-connection, being aware of how you eat effects how you think or live health-wise. The people who start pulling from connecting with themselves start to see their body like a temple, and they shouldn't put trash into something sacred. They find confirmation their getting healthier as their energy levels are increasing, their immune system getting stronger, not having headaches as often, less mood swings, and just feeling better about themselves because they're taking better care of themselves. As a byproduct to drawing from the fuel tank of connection to change your lifestyle, your skin looks healthier, your results last longer, because you now have a connection with yourself within, and not only the appearance.
I realize, depending on how a person was raised or traumatic events that happened to them, could cause them to not eat healthy for many reasons. It’s not only about deciding to do it, sometimes I believe it's deeper than an act of will power. A woman can see it as a defense mechanism against unwanted attention out of fear. A person can eat to cover up pain, and unless that pain is addressed first before starting the journey to better health they will inevitably draw from. the wrong tank. They risk making a decision that's fear-based, and end up drawing from the tank of attraction, and fail to make a deeper connection with themselves, and self -sabotage themselves out of fear. But when we want to connect with our bodies, and nurture ourselves those fears alleviate, and it's replaced with faith in making a connection by how we treat our bodies. Looking beneath the surface, it's more to a person becoming healthier than just will power alone.
Making the connection with yourself will build character, strengthening personal accountability practices, learning the value of consistency, and these skills developed will transfer into other areas of life. We must be honest with ourselves about what tank are we drawing from and make sure we continuously draw from the tank that helps us make a deeper connection with ourselves.
Our looks don't define our health, look at how many bodybuilders have died who look amazing, but reduced their lifespan to look a certain way. It's counterproductive risk your health to look good, it's a surface base attraction, so there's no connection to what's going on in the body as long as the surface looks good, which is the opposite of being aware of the connection in your health and what you put into your body.
It’s the mindset that we must first approach, before taking any action on this journey to better health, and before that we must stay aware of the tank we're drawing from. Society tells us both, to be attractive we have to look a certain way male and female, so I don't think people are shallow for wanting to look good. I think after being told this for so long through media outlets like television, music videos, fashion magazines, models, commercials, etc. We gravitate towards the fuel tank of attraction when starting a journey to better health, for the majority without even realizing we’re drawing from the attraction tank. The reason why most of us get discouraged when we don't see results as fast as we want, is because we are drawing from the tank of attraction. If we only focused on making the connection drawing from the connection tank, we would find success every time we made a healthy decision food wise, or went to exercise, these would be counted as a success.
Our confidence would increase from being consistent which makes a person feel they can do anything they put their mind to. Being active can increase the quality of your life and overall health burning more calories than consumed daily. The body was created to be more active than what most people in the US currently are doing. We live in a society that have lost its connection to the process of development, and we've become accustomed to quick fixes I call it "The Microwave Mentality". People would rather get surgeries to lose weight, take fat burners, or dietary supplements and avoid addressing the real problem. People would rather do all these things yet fail to address the real issue, and over time lose the results they gain from quick fixes due to the mindset never changing.
There has to be a mindset shift we must go from wanting to be attracted to our bodies, to making a deeper connection with our bodies. This is the first step in making a lifestyle change, is addressing the mental aspects first. We address the "why" for wanting better health with the awareness of what tank are we drawing from to push us to begin with. We will go from putting things into our bodies out of love to nurture/ versus putting things into our bodies out of desires to satisfy our taste buds. This isn't easy and some people will need to a strong support group of people to surround themselves with, others who inspire them to make healthier choices. It's not always that simple, some people use food as a drug, a source of comfort during stressful times. The real issue isn't food, but what's keep the person from making healthy choices to begin with, and it starts in the mind.
If a person only focuses on being attractive, they’re in it to feel good about themselves surface level, or in other words based on their appearance. However, if a person is drawing from the connection tank making a connection within themselves, they will feel good to put healthy foods in their body. Also, they will experience an increase of self-worth boosting their confidence, higher energy levels from giving the body only the nutrients it needs every day.
Instead of drawing from the attraction tank so deeply to become open to taking steroids, health hazard supplements, getting surgeries to lose weight that will risk losing a organ or worse. This is. mindset you see in people drawing from the attraction tank when you see people open to quick fixes, when there's no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to your health. People who draw from the connection tank, feel that connection in everything they put into their body. I believe technology has indirectly taught people to look for quick fixes and in turn, lose respect for the process in all life development. We don't respect the process anymore, so our minds must be conditioned, and reconditioned as we embark on our lifetime journey for better health.
The people who only care about being attractive solely never concern themselves with changing their eating habits long after they go get surgeries to lose weight, take dietary supplements, steroids, and other health hazard dangerous options. So, a lot of times once they stop taking the supplements, the sports performance enhancement drugs, or after the surgeries to lose weight they slowly gain it back. This happens because their reason was surface level, it was based on the appearance which is the attraction tank.
If the people would draw from the tank of making a connection from within themselves, to love themselves, to nurture themselves, the results would last longer. The mindset would begin the shift to see the reality of what they put in their body and how it is helping or harming them. They would begin to see if the issue is deeply rooted in areas outside of simple health and has roots in their youth. The reality of how what we eat affects how we live would influence what tank they draw from. Our brain has a metabolism, all food breaks down being digested into chemicals, and if we don't eat properly, we will create a chemical imbalance, psychologist calls this depression, anxiety, or stress. We have to take accountability for our own actions as adults, we are responsible for our choices, and it's time to make better choices about our health.
The way to determine if you are drawing from the tank of attraction is if you're "why" for wanting to be healthy is based first on appearance, like being able to fit into smaller clothes, or having a six-pack. We have to be honest with ourselves in order to make a mental transition, so we can draw from the tank of connection. Once we draw from the connection tank only, we no longer turn a blind eye to what we put in our body daily. We would respect the process, in how being healthy comes from consistently making healthy choices regarding our health, and not quick fixes that are health hazardous. In the US according to Texas Department of Health 7 out of 10 people are overweight or obese, ( https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/obesity-overweight.htm). I believe that it starts with what tank we are drawing from when we decide why we want better health.
Are we drawing from the attraction tank? Is our main focus how we look, and not how healthy we are? Are we looking at the appearance of our body for confirmation we are getting healthier? Are we open to quick fixes as a solution instead of respecting the process in all things natural? When we are ok, with sacrificing our health so we can look good, we are not concerned about connecting with every organ, gland, muscle, and cell in your body through what you put into your body food and drink wise.
When we draw from the connection tank to fuel our drive for better health, we see that health starts within first, it's not just how we look that determines our health. We want to connect with our bodies giving it what needs before it shuts down with sickness. Making a connection helps us see our health as a lifestyle made from consistently making healthy choices. This connection increases the awareness between what we put into our body and how our bodies are affected by these choices. It's easy to do, and it's easy not to do, so the key is being aware of the little choices we make every meal every day. The connection tank creates a stronger connection with your organs and how healthy they are by what you're doing, or not doing to improve your health.
Longevity comes from what tank you draw from, and if you're only concerned with how you look then health for you is based on appearances, and appearances don't always define what's happening inside the body health-wise. Health is about understanding what you need inside and giving it to your body before it shuts down from deficiencies not addressed over time. My proposal is that we become more aware of what tank are we drawing from, the connection tank, or attraction tank, and once we identify which tank change our mindset in daily awareness to draw from the connection tank.